Our Home

We reside in the beautiful southern New Hampshire town of Peterborough. It is a small rural community with a population of about 5,883.

Peterborough is situated at the intersection of Routes 101 and 202, directly in between Keene and Nashua. In relation to our closest major cities, our home in Peterborough is roughly a 40 minute drive southeast from Keene, a 55 minute drive northwest from Nashua, a 60 minute drive southwest from Concord, and a 55 minute drive southwest from Manchester.

Shown blinking in yellow on the map at the right, New Hampshire is one of the New England states, located in the northeastern continental United States. Lots of information about New Hampshire can be found at www.nh.com.

Peterborough is a town reputed to have been made famous by the Thornton Wilder play "Our Town." It is also home to the Peterborough Players, a summer thespian group, and the McDowell Colony for artists.


November 27, 1999
Above is our home the weekend after Thanksgiving 1999.
Below is the addition on our home completed in June 2003.


October 14, 2001
This is part of our typical October back yard view.


September 1999
A September visitor in our yard at dusk.

December 2002

A typical December view out our garage door after removing ten inches of snow.


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The background leaves on this page were collected by Susan Oropallo on a hike she and Charles Oropallo did on 10-20-2001 along the Raymond Trail up and down Pack Monadnock in Peterborough, New Hampshire.  They were arranged and scanned by Charles.

Maps on this page created by Charles Oropallo

©1998-2020 Charles Oropallo and Susan Oropallo
Updated on Saturday, September 05, 2020 at 10:55:03 am
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